The Elephant Man

I finally went to see Bradley Cooper in the Elephant Man in the Royal Haymarket Theatre last week. As crazy as it may seem I had booked my tickets way before Easter Break and of course my main motivation was the man himself.


As you can imagine the theatre was full and most tickets are already sold out.

The show was amazing. Cooper was simply brilliant! He is a great talent; obvious from his movies and even more on stage!

The story of the real Elephant Man is very moving. I will spare you from the details of his story though this time. The play was well written, kept in a good time length so as not to be too tiring and portrayed his life under a sympathetic and emotional light. You manage to see the personality and soul of the person, seemingly the main goal of the play. Another element towards that direction is that Cooper doesn't have makeup on or a costume; he just adopts with his body movements and expressions the disabilities and form of the Elephant Man.

Amazing show again. Kept simple and to the point, leaving the actor's talent to shine. The show is on until August.